on grade slab design

Reinforcing steel in slabs on grade

General design process Though many details must be includ-ed in the design of a slab on grade, three important components are slab thick-ness, reinforcement requirements, and joint spacing. The designer determines the required slab thickness after determining the con-trolling loads, the appropriate safety fac-t o r, and the subgrade modulus ...

Slab-on-Grade Foundation Detail & Insulation, Building ...

Jan 06, 2014· Slab on Grade foundation, detail design; the basics. There are many different soil conditions and corresponding slab designs. This page is about how to build a thickened edge concrete slab on grade FPSF footing on soil with a high water table to prevent frost heave, by first installing drainage below the slab. Related slab on grade foundation pages:

Design Calculation for Slab - Civil Engineering Portal ...

Also, the longer to shorter span ratio is less than 2 in all panel slabs so all slabs panels are two-way slabs. The design method is followed as per Annexure D of IS 456:2000. DESIGN OF SLAB: Design of typical Floor Slab: We have thickness of slab as 130 mm. Considering M20 grade of concrete and Fe 500 steel of diameter of 10 mm

Slab on Grade Foundation - Rebar People

Slab on grade construction is the process of setting a concrete slab on the existing native soil. A layer of engineered fill may be contained in native soil in order to drive the slab to proper elevation. In many cases, the native soil is considered the sub-base. The base course is combined above the sub-base which supplies additional bearing support and a flat surface.

Concrete Slab on Grade Analysis Calculator (for Post or ...

the ratio of the stiffness of the slab to the stiffness of the foundation. 1. For 6" to 10" thick slabs on grade with 'k' values between 100 pci and 200. 15% to 20% for a wheel (or post) spacing of 3' to 4'. 2. For wheel (or post) spacings of 5' to 15', the increase in stress is. approximately 0% to 5%.

ACI PRC-360-10 Guide to Design of Slabs-on-Ground

Description. This guide presents information on the design of slabs-on-ground, primarily industrial floors. It addresses the planning, design, and detailing of slabs. Background information on design theories is followed by discussion of the types of slabs, soil-support systems, loadings, and jointing. Design methods are given for unreinforced ...

On-grade Foundations – Cold Climate Housing Research Center

On-grade foundations are a popular design in Interior Alaska because they are less expensive than crawlspace foundations without having the energy penalty of raised foundations. "Slab-on-grade" means the house rests on a concrete slab directly on the ground. The edges of the slab are thick to accommodate the weight of the walls and the sub ...

Aci concrete slab on grade design manual - Co-production ...

May 10, 2020· ACI 360, "Design of Slabs-on-Grade", refers to this as a Type B slab. The Wire Reinforcing Institute recommends the use of the Subgrade Drag Sound design of a slab on grade begins Subgrade for concrete slabs is the natu- Institute Committee 360's Guide to.

Thickness Design of Slab-on-Grade Construction: Review of ...

Slab-on-grade construction is popular for heavily loaded ground floor slabs. For design, graphical or tabular methods are recommended by US standards. Scattered design formulations for various loadings, namely, wheel load, distributed load, line load, and concentrated …


DESIGN OF STIFFENED SLABS-ON-GRADE ON SHRINK-SWELL SOILS Jean-Louis Briaud President of ISSMGE, Professor Texas A&M University, USA Remon Abdelmalak Geo-Engineer, Dar Al-Handasah Group, Cairo, Egypt Xiong Zhang Assistant Professor, University of Alaska, USA .


ANALYSIS AND DESIGN OF SLABS ON GRADE WITH SINGLE LAYER OF REINFORCEMENT Ground supported slabs are frequently designed with a single layer of reinforcing. Such slabs are referred to as membrane slabs, floating slabs, or filler slabs and range in thickness from as little as 4" to 8" depending on the supported loads.

Design Guide 11- Floors (Slabs-on-Ground) for Concrete ...

basic design using a common range or distance for the steel schedule and spacing. Formulas are included that allow the designer an option to develop a site specific design for the steel schedule and spacing based on the known distance or for a different slab thicknesses. Floors require a minimum subbase thickness as prescribed in each table.

360R-92 Design of Slabs on Grade - Free

A4-Slab design using post-tensioning A5-Shrinkage-compensatingconcreteexamples CHAPTER l-INTRODUCTION l.l-Purpose and scope Consistent with the mission of ACI Committee 360, this report presents state-of-the-art information on the design of slabs on grade. In this context, design is defined as the decision-making process of planning, sizing ...

Thickness Design of Slab-on-Grade Construction: Review of ...

Jul 14, 2020· Slab-on-grade construction is popular for heavily loaded ground floor slabs. For design, graphical or tabular methods are recommended by US standards. Scattered design formulations for various loadings, namely, wheel load, distributed load, line load, and concentrated load, are compiled in this article from the literature.

GRDSLAB - Concrete Slab on Grade Analysis Spreadsheet

Jan 09, 2017· The "Slab on Grade" worksheet assumes a structurally unreinforced slab, ACI-360"Type B", reinforced only for shrinkage and temperature.An interior load condition is assumed for flexural analysis.That is, the concentrated post or wheel load is assumed to be well away from a "free" slab edge or corner.The original theory and equations by H.M ...

Reinforced Concrete Foundations & Grade Slab Design Software

Analysis & design of concrete building, bridge & industrial foundations, mat slabs, combined footings, pile caps, slabs on grade, manholes, basins, underground and buried structures.

Design of concrete slab on grade - CE-REF.COM

Design of concrete slab on grade Slab Reinforcement and spacing of control joints. When concrete slab are poured on grade, steel reinforcement and control joints are used to control shrinkage and expansion. When concrete slab shrink or expansion, it will drag the soil beneath the slab with it. Friction at bottom of slab is trying to prevent the ...

ACI 360R-10 Guide to Design of Slabs-on-Ground

Guide to Design of Slabs-on-Ground Reported by ACI Committee 360 ACI 360R-10 This guide presents information on the design of slabs-on-ground, primarily industrial floors. It addresses the planning, design, and detailing of slabs. Background information on design theories is …

Slab-on-Grade Foundation Best Practices – Cold Climate ...

Slab-on-Grade Foundation Best Practices. On-grade foundations are a popular design in Interior Alaska. This project uses modeling software to address these questions: A shallow frost-protected foundation relies on heat loss to the ground to keep the soils beneath the footing above freezing.


With some limitations, reinforcement for slabs can be sized using the Subgrade Drag Theory in order to increase the spacing of control or construction joints. The result is a lightly reinforced slab designed to offset the effects of temperature and shrinkage of the concrete. ACI 360, "Design of Slabs-on-Grade", refers to this as a Type B slab.

Chapter 5. Concrete Design and Construction Details

Floor Slab Design Floors are designed as slabs on grade. The slab thickness depends on the type of loads on the floor slab. In most cases, the slab thickness is designed as an unreinforced concrete section. Reinforcing is added to control shrinkage cracking and maximize the distance between designed joints. Floor performance is influenced by:

GRDSLAB - Concrete Slab on Grade Analysis EXCEL ...

The "Slab on Grade" worksheet assumes a structurally unreinforced slab, ACI-360"Type B", reinforced only for shrinkage and temperature.An interior load condition is assumed for flexural analysis.That is, the concentrated post or wheel load is assumed to be well away from a "free" slab edge or corner.The original theory and equations by H.M ...

TM 5-809-12 Concrete Floor Slabs on Grade Subjected to ...

design criteria outside the scope of this manual, industry standards are recommended. 1-3. Definitions. The following defini tions have been adopted for the manual: a. Slab on grade. Concrete slab supported di-rectly on foundation soil. b. Ligh t loads. Loads which consist of (compa - …

Guide for Design and Construction of Concrete Parking Lots

cedures used to design and construct slab-on-grade such as streets, highways, and floors. This guide is not a standard nor a specification, and it is not intended to be included by refer-ence in construction contract documents; ACI 330.1 can be used for these purposes. Parking lots have most loads imposed on interior slabs sur-

Foundation Design – Whitworth Engineering

A foundation design with grade beams in a waffle pattern to stiffen the slab. The rebar is dormant until the slab cracks at which time the reinforcing steel resists the tensile bending of the slab. This design is most often used for additions to an existing slab, or when there are multiple deep changes in the floor levels of a slab.

Wheel Load on Slab-on-Grade - Structural engineering ...

Oct 07, 2004· RE: Wheel Load on Slab-on-Grade. Lutfi (Structural) 12 Mar 04 15:11. The mesh in the slab is not going to help you in bending especially being located at slab mid depth. The maximum flexural stress occurs at the very top and bottom of the slab! The secret to a good slab on grade design is the base and subbase conditions and compactions.

Floor Slabs | WBDG - Whole Building Design Guide

May 10, 2016· The base floor within a building may simply be a cast-in-place concrete slab-on-grade with limited design considerations for structural support or environmental control functions. The base floor may also be comprised of a mud or structural foundation slab complete with waterproofing and wearing slab with the overall system designed to carry ...

Design Of Heavy Duty Concrete Floor Slabs On Grade

The structural design of a concrete floor slab on grade is primarily controlled by the stresses caused by moving live loads and in some cases the stationary loads. Stresses in floor slabs on grade resulting from vehicular loads are a function of floor slab thickness, vehicle weight and weight

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