Installer for the latest version (v1.92.0) The current version for the Concrete Quality package is 1.92.0. All users with version 1.80.x and previous are required to install this update to continue using the subscription services. Users with version 1.90 and following don't need to take any actions, Concrete …
This excel based concrete mix design spreadsheet is very user-friendly that will find out the preferred quantity for concrete mix in your construction site. It contains understandable interface. One can just provide the needed value and obtain the mix design quantities required for the construction site. The estimating spreadsheet will ...
SkyCiv's ACI 318 Design Software is fully built into the SkyCiv Structural 3D program - allowing you to model, analyse and perform ACI 318 2014 concrete calculations all within the same model. No need to transfer data between software, the program can do it all within the one location.
Feed Mix is an RSS feed editor that enables a pain-free creation, editing and publication of RSS feeds and podcasts. Unique to this software is its ability to create a new RSS feed from several others that have already been created. Insulated concrete forms screen saver with commerical and …
Concrete Mix Designer is a lightweight software application built specifically for helping engineers calculate the compute ratio between cement, water, and coarse and fine aggregate for designing...
Files > Download Concrete Mix Design EXCEL Calculator - (FREE!) Mix design plays an imperative function in civil construction projects. With the aim of obtaining the accurate measurement of any construction site, the usage of this user-friendly concrete mix design spreadsheet is absolutely necessary.
Concrete Mix Design Excel Sheets. Comprehensive Excel spreadsheet for concrete mix design and batching can save up to 100 mixes. Unique easy to use features for proportioning aggregates etc. Up to six aggregates, four cements and five admix can be blended in any one mix. Sieve analysis can be entered for up to twelve course and fine aggregates.
ASDIP FOUNDATION is a structural engineering software utilized by engineers for the design of pile caps and concrete footings such as spread footings, strap footings, combined footings, and wall footings as per the latest ACI 318 provisions.. This foundation design software substantially simplifies time-consuming calculations for structural engineering design.
You can manage your subscriptions and payments inside the Concrete Quality software. To do so, follow these steps: Download the software and register a new user for free (if you haven't already). Go to My Account > Subscriptions to select which subscription plan you want, and choose whether to pay with recurring payments or upfront.
11-09-2018· ACI 211.1, "Standard Practice for Selecting Proportions for Normal, Heavyweight, and Mass Concrete," has been adopted by the concrete industry as the standard procedure for mix proportioning. If you design concrete mixtures, it is definitely required reading.
01-03-2007· By OS Software Programs Concrete Mix Designer is a Civil Engineering utility which calculates the ratio between water, cement, coarse aggregate, and fine aggregate for …
Anchorage to Concrete ACI 318-11 Appendix D: This demo design sheet covers all types of anchors design including newly added adhesive anchors per lastest ACI 318-11 Appendix D. Features include auto-generation of calculations and graphics of each failure …
Best Concrete Design EXCEL Spreadsheet - (Download FREE!) Files > Download Best Concrete Design EXCEL Spreadsheet - (FREE!) This spreadsheet consists of many segments regarding RCC aspects as described below: Beam Design ( Flexural design, Serviceability, Shear design) Column Design. Slab Design.
25-05-2018· Download Excel Files. User purpose of file: this mix design represent a C-30 and C-10 in ACI. Since this is excel file you can just edit the values to get the final result for your project. Can be use, edited and use for more purpose. Size of the file: <1.0 . Copy write conditions: YOU have the right to shear online by refering this url.
12-07-2021· Frame – Free software for static and dynamic structural analysis of 2D and 3D linear elastic frames and trusses. Computes the static deflections, reactions, internal element forces, natural. frequencies, mode shapes and modal participation factors of two-and three- dimensional elastic structures using direct stiffness. and mass assembly.
18-03-2017· Comprehensive Excel spreadsheet for concrete mix design and batching can save up to 100 mixes. Unique easy to use features for proportioning aggregates etc. Up to six aggregates, four cements and five admix can be blended in any one mix…
American Concrete Institute Method of Mix Design (ACI–211.1) This method of proportioning was first published in 1944 by ACI committee 613. In 1954 the method was revised to include, among other modifications, the use of entrained air. In 1970, the method of mix design became the responsibility of ACI committee 211.
Concrete Mix Design ACI 211.1-91 Concrete Technology. Introduction •Concrete is composed principally of aggregates, a portland or blended cement, and water, and may contain other cementitious materials and/or chemical admixtures. •The selection of concrete proportions involves a
09-07-2015· Sheet Specifications are: Code: ACI 211.1-91. Unit: English & SI. This sheet is able to calculate MIX ratio for air and non-air en-trained concrete under freezing & thawing and salt water condition. Thin Structure consideration also added. This is a macro enabled Excel file. You need to Enable excel macro to use this sheet.
ACI Method of Concrete Mix Design Required Data: Before starting concrete mix design, basic information on raw materials shall be prepared which include: Sieve analyses of fine and coarse aggregates. Unit weight (dry rodded density) of coarse aggregate. Bulk specific gravities and absorptions or moisture content of aggregates.
The Concrete Quality software is free" Free to use, pay only for additional services, ... managers and specialized technicians that will calculate and optimize new mix designs, ... dedicated statistics and the popular ACI 211.1 Absolute Volume mix design method.
SkyCiv Reinforced Concrete Design Software supports member design for ACI 318, AS3600 and Eurocode 2. Full calculation reports, access for free online.
Our soil laboratory software "CiviLab" automates the design of concrete mixes with using ACI method and reduces the time required, also CiviLab provides high quality reports and archives them properly In this test you can use CiviLab to:
Concrete Mix Design Excel Sheet . × Close Log In. Log In ... Download Free XLS. Download Free PDF. Concrete Mix Design Excel Sheet. ShaFiq ... Air Entrainer - Recommanded Dosage of Micro-Air (8 - 98ml/100kg of Cement) Indicate the variables in the mixture design and admixture Instructions You can only change whats in the yellow boxes ...
01-05-2014· ACI Method of Concrete Mix Design. Required Data: Procedure for ACI Method of Concrete Mix Design. 1. Choice of slump; 2. Choice of maximum size of aggregate; 3. Estimation of mixing water and air content; 4. Selection of water-cement or water-cementitious material ratio; 5. Calculation of cement content; 6. Estimation of coarse aggregate content; 7.
17-11-2016· This Free Concrete Mix Design Excel Sheet has been sent by Mr. Gulfam Akram to be shared with everyone. Its free for downloading . Concrete mix design is the process of choosing suitable ingredient of concrete and determining their relative quantities with the object of producing as economically as possible concrete of certain minimum properties, notable workability, strength and …
ACI 318 Method. Concrete Mix Design. Mix design means the selection of suitable ingredients of concrete and their relative quantities to obtain an economical concrete with values of certain properties not less than their desired minimum values, such as. …