ULTRATECH CEMENT - OPC53 GRADE. Ordinary Portland cement (OPC) Ordinary Portland cement (OPC) 53 Grade is used in RCC and pre-stressed concrete of higher grades, cement grouts, instant plugging mortars etc. where initial higher strength is the criteria. Advantages of OPC 53 Grade :
Nutech Concrete - Offering M20 Grade Ready Mix Concrete, Grade Standard: M20 at Rs 3900/unit in Faridabad, Haryana. Read about company. Get contact details and address | ID: 19339541412
M10 and M20 grade of concrete is used in mass concrete work. M15 is generally used for all purpose of general nature such as RCC slabs, and flooring. M20 and M25 is used for thin RCC members such as precast members, shed roofs, thin shell etc. M35 and M40 are used in pre-stressed concrete structures i.e. for post-tensioned and pre-tensioned ...
Aug 21, 2014· For rate analysis of RCC, we need to multiply each quantity with their rates to get the amount for every item of work. Rates vary from place to place and time to time. It is advisable to assume local rates or standard rates of the place. The sum total of all the four items above will give the rate or cost for 1m 3 of concrete.
M20 Grade. Wood. Unit mass, kg/m 3. 7850 (100) ... infl uenced by the cooling rate of clinker) ... all concretes above M20 grade for RCC work must be design .
T r i c o n B u i l d e r s – The Makers of India's Finest Designer Homes Page 1 Dated: 17.02.2021 Dear Sir/Madam, Thank you for downloading the details of our general home construction rates & Specifications. We would undertake to design and build any categories of …
OPC 53 Grade Cement OPC 53 grade cement is the most preferred building and construction material for projects that require high tensile strength. The fineness in cement generates early gain in strength, but along with high heat of hydration.
Ultratech Cement 53 Grade. Building Panels & Cladding Materials » Cement. ₹ 410.00. ULTRATECH CEMENT - OPC53 GRADE. Ordinary Portland cement (OPC). Ordinary Portland cement (OPC) 53 Grade is used in RCC and pre-stressedBulk UltraTech Cement in India Dire. Brand: Ultratech cement.
Question is not correct. RCC or PCC cost will be depending upon the grade of concrete. If PCC is M10 (1:3:6) and if it RMC (Ready Mix Concrete) cost will be about 3500 Rupees per Cum and RCC of M20 or 25 cost may not differ much may be around 4250 more or less. Brick cost will 3000 Rupees per Cum.
Manufacturer of Ready Mixed Concrete - M20 Grade Ready Mix Concrete, M10 Grade Ready Mix Concrete, M25 Grade Ready Mix Concrete offered by Manju Marketing, Hyderabad, Telangana.
Cement, Sand and Coarse aggregate requirement for M20 Grade concrete. Prescribed Concrete Mix Ratio of M20 grade concrete is 1:1.5:3 as per codebook. Cement = 1 Part. Sand = 1.5 Part. Aggregate = 3 Part. Total dry volume of Material Required = 1.57 cu.m. Volume of cement needed. = Ratio of cement x 1.57/ (1+1.5+3)
Sep 07, 2018· 33 grade cement means that the compressive strength of the cement after 28 days is 33N/mm 2 when tested as per Indian Standards under standard conditions. This grade of cement is used for general construction work under normal environmental condition. It may not be suitable for concrete grade above M20.
Sep 17, 2017· Grade of concrete are such as as M10, M15, M20, M25, M30, M35 and M40 e.t.c. In this designation the letter M refers to the mix and the number to the specified 28 day cube strength of mix in N/mm2. M10 concrete are used for leveling course, and bedding for footings.
UltraTech Concrete is India's largest and the world's 10th largest concrete manufacturer, powering some of the biggest infrastructure projects across the country. UltraTech Concrete is committed to producing high-quality as well as cost-effective products, to suit every demand. We not only consider our product's quality but also its aesthetic appeal.
Mar 04, 2017· READY MIX CONCRETE - GRADES OF CONCRETECLASSIFICATION GRADE APPLICATION RATIO ORDINARY M10 PCC (Plain Cement Concrete) e.g. Levelling course, bedding for footing, concrete roads etc. 1:3:6 M15 PCC e.g. Levelling course, bedding for footing, concrete roads etc. 1 : 2 : 4 M20 RCC (Reinforced Cement Concrete) e.g. Slabs, beams, columns, footing ...
May 17, 2020· RCC Frame Structure with 8mm, 10mm, 12mm TMT steel (Brand – Moira, 24K Gold or equivalent) as per design drawings. 8mm TMT Stirrups; Clear Floor Height will be 10ft. Floor Slab 4" thick and Plinth Slab 3" thick; Grade of Concrete – Slab & Beam in M15 and Column in M20 (Cement brand – JK, ultratech, mycem, Birla, shree ultra or equivalent)
Since the quantity of reinforcement steel varies, labour rates for reinforcement work modifies as per type of structural component. The Quantity of materials similar to sand, cement and coarse aggregates fluctuate with mix design like M15 (1:2:4), M20 (1:1.5:3), M25, M30 etc.. Learn how the rate analysis for 1m 3 of reinforced concrete is done.
Now coming to grade of concrete. If strength of concrete is 20N/mm2 after 28 days of curing( immersed in water for 28 days) then grade is said to be M20. M20 = 20N/mm2. M30 = 30N/mm2. Similarly grade of concrete available are M20/25/30/40/45/50. So you can say our concrete block tested above is of M25 grade.
Aug 06, 2014· 1) You can use both grades for RCC roofing. 53 grade is a fast setting grade, 43 & PPC grade is slow setting. 2) Some add mixtures like Dr.Fixit & ECT can be used, however consult your architect or engineer for more suggestion on this. 3) After 24 Hrs you can start curing process, min 15 days curing is required and max 28 days.
Assume We need 1 m3 of wet volume concrete of M25 Mix, (Mix Ratio, M25 = 1: 1 : 2) So Total Parts = 1+1+2 = 4 Parts which gives Dry volume that means before adding water content. Volume of concrete = (1 Cement Part)/4 + (1 Sand Part)/4 + (2 Coarse Aggregate Part)/4. From the IS Code standard, Assuming the water-cement ratio for M20 is 0.5.
The initial higher strength is the criteria with 53 grade OPC, and it is commonly used for plastering works. It is used in RCC and pre-stressed concrete of higher grades. The cost of 53 grade cement is higher than 43 grade cement, and it will be of the order of 2% to 3%. STEEL / TMT BARS. The structural framework of high-rise buildings is done ...
M20 Ready Mix Concrete is used for building or repairing foundation walls, sidewalks, curbs, steps and ramps and for setting posts. It is uniformly blended, properly proportioned mixture of gravel, sand and Portland cement. Features: Perfect for building walls, columns and foundations. Use for tuck pointing damaged mortar joints.
Sep 22, 2020· Ultratech ₹305/50kg bag ₹325/50kg bag ₹365/50kg bag ₹395/50kg bag. For concrete M20 & above grades, 8 – 10% saving is achieved: Uses: PCC & RCC works upto M30 grade, plastering, tiling, Brick & stone masonry, flooring, pathways, etc. Finishes of all types of bldg's, bridges, culverts, roads, water retaining structures.
🕑 Reading time: 1 minute Curing of cement concrete is defined as the process of maintaining the moisture and temperature conditions of concrete for hydration reaction to normally so that concrete develops hardened properties over time. The main components which need to be taken care of are moisture, heat, and time during the curing process. […]
Ordinary Portland cement (OPC) 53 Grade is used in RCC and pre-stressed concrete of higher grades, cement grouts, instant plugging mortars etc. where initial higher strength is the criteria. Advantages of OPC 53 Grade : Speedy construction. Durable concrete. Economic concrete mix designs
Jul 29, 2021· OPC (43 and 53 Grade) can be used in all kind of Concrete constructions - such as RCC, precast concrete and pre-stressed concrete, Slip form constructions, all kinds of Masonry works and manufacture of cement based products such as pipes, tiles, blocks etc. Company details : Ultratech Cement was incorporated in 2000 as Larsen & Toubro.
By Raj Mohammad Khan Following table shows the M-25Mix Designs as per IS-10262-2009, hope this helps all civil engineers here M-25 CONCRETE MIX DESIGN As per IS 10262-2009 & MORT&H A-1 Stipulations for Proportioning 1 Grade Designation M25 2 Type of Cement OPC 53 grade confirming to IS-12269-1987 3 Maximum Nominal Aggregate Size 20 mm […]
Which cement is better UltraTech or ACC? Capacity expansion of these two assets have also aided margins for UltraTech. … As per BSE data, ACC is trading at a P/E of 19.31x which is much lower than UltraTech's P/E of 51.9x. The return on equity given by ACC is much better, at 15.28 percent than UltraTech's at 9.36 percent.