optimization of cut-off grade is the most significant economic parameter in mining. Cut-off grade optimization in open-pit mining has been the subject of much research, but more work is needed if it is to cover all essential practical mining considerations. The original algorithm introduced by Lane (1964), which has been applied frequently, is
Jan 09, 2016· Basic Concept 1.2) Open pit Mining method 1.3) Bench 1.4) Open Pit Bench Terminology 1.5) Bench height 1.6) Cutoff grade 1.7) Open Pit Stability: i) Pit slope ii) Pit wall stability iii) Rock strength iv) Pit Depth v) Pit diameter vi) Water Damage vii) Strip Ratio (SR) 1.8) Open-pit mining sequence 1.9) Various open-pit and orebody ...
Cut-off grade optimization was used to generate an optimum grade schedule which specifies the cut-off grade, duration of mining of the grade and tonnage mined during the mine life. A heuristic framework, referred to as the Integrated Cut-Off Grade Optimization (ICOGO) model was developed in this research.
Mar 26, 2018· Selection of an appropriate cut-off grade is the most important and fundamental driver of economic value for any mineral deposit. ... This is the same decision point for low grade in an open pit ...
5.) The pit constrained Au cut-off grade of 0.32 g/t Au was derived from US$1,450/oz Au price, 0.75 US$/C$ exchange rate, 95% process recovery, C$17/t process cost and C$2/t G&A cost. The constraining pit optimization parameters were C$2.50/t mineralized mining cost, $2/t waste mining cost, $1.50/t overburden mining cost and 50 degree pit ...
The optimum cut-off grade policy maximizes the net present value (NPV) of an open pit mining operation subject to the mining, processing, and refining capacity constraints.
Oct 04, 2019· The milling cut-off grade for this operation is calculated to be 0.30g/t. It means that a tonne of ore with 0.3g/t can be sent to the mill and be expected to generate a small amount of profit. Ten percent dilution in this mine will reduce the grade of ore from 0.3g/t to 0.28g/t which is below cut-off grade and will not be able to return a profit.
View Open_Pit_Mining_Review_Presentation_2.ppt from GEO 001 at MSU - Iligan Inst of Tech. Trend in Production, Quality & Productivity Several factors are significant indicators to economic &
Sep 01, 2016· Cut-off grade is the most important economic criterion that defines the supply of ore and waste material from the mine to subsequent processing streams and waste dumps, respectively (King, 1999, King, 2001, Wooler, 2001).The material with metal content greater than the cut-off grade is designated as ore because under existing economic situation, not only this material will pay for the …
Aug 23, 2019· Incremental cut-off grade: mill operating cost/(grade x recovery x metal price). Mathematically, the mining cost in open pits cancels out and is irrelevant - …
• Ore grade: lots of different units, cut -off grade, homogeneity • By-products: commonly critical to success; Au, Ag, W • Commodity prices: forcasting the future • …
Resources are presented as undiluted and in situ for an open-pit scenario and are considered to have reasonable prospects for economic extraction. The cut-off grade used for the Mineral Resource Estimate ranges from 1.70% to 2.00% equivalent zinc. The reason for the cut-off grade variation is due to the fact that different haulage costs are ...
Optimum cut-off grade policy for open pit mining operations through net present value algorithm considering metal price and cost escalation. By Raul Cezar. Optimal production scale of open pit mining operations with uncertain metal supply and long-term stockpiles. By Mohammad Asad.
Cut-off grade determination for the maximum value of a small Wits-type gold mining operation by R.C.A. Minnitt* Synopsis Work undertaken in the field of cut-off grade optimization has not advanced much beyond the work undertaken by Lane in 1988. His definitive work …
Open Pit Tin-Copper Mineral Resource (at 0.35% Sn cut-off) NOTE: this Open Pit Tin-Copper Mineral Resource is a sub-set of the Total Tin-Copper Mineral Resource noted below Category Tonnage Sn ...
Figure 1 illustrates that the cut-off including break-even and the overall grade varies from bench to bench, and the previously given 1% cut-off grade is too low to generate the lowest profit at bench 2-5. The example also shows the low-grade material with bench 4 and there is no way to extract ore from the bench in a desired cut-off grade.
to create a concentrated commodity product. The choice of cut-off grade at a mining project can be varied over time and dramatically impacts both the operation of the mine and the economics of the project. The majority of literature and the accepted industry practices focus on optimizing cut-off grade under known commodity prices.
In view of multiple-metals open-pit, the paper has proposed that multiple-metals cut-off grade optimization model is set using the objective function to maximize net present value (NPV). The method of equivalent coefficient calculation is proposed to convert multi-metals cut-off grade optimization to a single metal cut-off grade optimization.
Cut-Off grade is the minimum grade required in order for a mineral or metal to be economically mined (or processed). Material found to be above this grade is considered to be ore, while material below this grade is considered to be waste. Although in a variety of units can be used, the cut-off grade …
(2015). Optimum cut-off grade's calculation in open pit mines with regard to reducing the undesirable environmental impacts. International Journal of Mining, Reclamation and Environment: Vol. 29, …
Request PDF | Net present value maximization model for optimum cut-off grade policy of open pit mining operations | The optimum cut-off grade policy maximizes the net present value (NPV) of an ...
• High-grade starter pit with near surface gold resource drives rapid capital investment payback reducing capital risk • Low capital cost, open-pit, heap leach design concept producing 40,000 to 50,000 oz/year gold production from current resource • Strong Leverage to gold price: pit constrained gold resource increases ~ 50% as gold design
Keywords: cutoff grade, bench, average grade, expected profit, ore tonnage, stripping ratio Cite This Article: Siwei He, Xianli Xiang, and Gun Huang, "Cut-off Grade and Hauling Cost Varying with Benches in Open Pit MiningAmerican Journal of Mining and Metallurgy.", vol. 3, no. 2(2015): 54-57. doi: 10.12691/ajmm-3-2-3. 1. Introduction
Nov 02, 2011· Topic 5: Mining Methods-Part I-Surface mining 1. Topic 5: Mining Methods Part I-Surface mining Hassan Z. Harraz [email protected] 2010- 2011 Prof. Dr. H.Z. Harraz Presentation This material is intended for use in lectures, presentations and as handouts to students, and is provided in Power point format so as to allow customization for the individual needs of course …
deposits open to depth; UG high-grade resource potential • Very limited drill testing below 400 m depth • Numerous other gold occurrences on the property INDICATED MINERAL RESOURCE Cut-off grade (g/t) Tonnage (Mt) Grade (g/t Au) Ounces CONSTRAINED OPEN PIT @ US$1,300/OZ 0.5 6.827 1.96 431,000 UNDERGROUND 2.5 1.092 4.54 159,000
Open-pit Grand Total The above data has been rounded to the nearest 100,000 tonnes, 0.01 g/t gold grade and 1,000 ounces. Errors ot summation may occur due to rounding. 1. Mineral Resources and Ore Reserves are reported inclusive of ROM Stockpiles at cut-off grade of 0.4 g/t. 2. Cut-off grades vary according to oxidation and ithology domains ...
1. See Eau Claire NI43-101 Report dated Feb 4, 2018 filed under Eastmain's profile at Cut-off grade 0.5 g/t Au open pit and 3.0 g/t Au underground. 2. See Homestake Ridge NI43-101 Report dated May 29, 2020 as amended Jun 24, 2020 filed under Auryn's profile at Cut-off grade 3.0 g/t AuEq. 3.
Traditional pit design In the traditional approach to pit planning (Soderberg, et ai, 1968), two broad assumptions are made to overcome the problem of too many unknowns. Firstly, the cut-off grades are set at the break-even point between profit and loss. This is a static cut-off grade in that the grade changes with time, and the